Accessibility Tools

Blind Accessibility Tips

A virtual platform where the blind and visually impaired can come and sharpen their information technology skills



Harnessing Technology to Meet Diverse Accessibility Needs in Hospitality

  The hospitality industry is pivotal in making travel and leisure activities accessible. Advances in technology now offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance the experience for guests with various accessibility needs. Whether you are someone who benefits from mobility aids or you have specific requirements for information access, modern tech developments are shaping a more inclusive

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windows keyboard shortcut cheat sheet - windows logo

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: Maximize Your Efficiency with the Windows Key”

Many people interact with their computers via the input devices, the keyboard and mouse. For blind and visually impaired persons though, the input device of choice out of necessity is the keyboard as they would be unable to see the screen to adequately use a mouse [check out our free lesson teaching blind and visually

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: Maximize Your Efficiency with the Windows Key” Read More »

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