Accessibility Tools

Blind Accessibility Tips

A virtual platform where the blind and visually impaired can come and sharpen their information technology skills



Thanks for visiting our Downloadables page! Wondering what you can get?

The tutorials found on this site are easy to follow, step by step lessons that a blind or visually impaired person could use, following from beginning to end, to help themselves master the skill of using their computers. With these basic skills under their belt, they could go on to do more complex functions simply by building on the skills taught on here. Additionally, if you are a teacher for the visually impaired, this site provides good support for you and your students.

we also provide private sessions for those persons who would rather have a coach to help them along the journey. Check out our Services page to find out what we offer.

However, teacher for the visually impaired and student, what if you wanted the notes easily at your fingertips in the form of an easily accessible Word document? Or for braille readers, want a simplified version of the lessons on here, no contending with images or videos, that you can use for brailling with a braille embosser? Those are the reasons why these products were developed. You can simply purchase the Word formats of the lessons and have them at your disposal. In addition to the lessons on the site, the download package includes three other documents:

  1. Some Keystrokes to Remember (updated September 2022) – this has a list of some common everyday keystrokes that a blind person needs to know to use Windows as well as some not so common ones. 
  2. Keystrokes for Word (updated September 2022) – this has a good compilation of keystrokes for use in Microsoft Word, some are even useable otherwise. 
  3. Internet Keystrokes – this list was developed to organize in one place the keystrokes necessary to navigate the Internet with the computer effectively.


Download the BLIND ACCESSIBILITY TIPS – COMPUTER TRAINING BASICS DOCUMENTS package to own the files. This downloadable is in a zip file format which reveals 20 Microsoft Word files when unzipped.


Would you rather just the keystrokes? No Problem. Download for free the BLIND ACCESSIBILITY TIPS – BASIC COMPUTER KEYSTROKES package to get just the three keystroke documents listed above.

Remember, you can always contact us to let us know what you think of our downloadables. Visit our Services page also to see what else we offer. Happy learning!

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